Transfer & Credit for Prior Learning

Credit for Prior Learning

Military Articulation Portal (Credit for Military Alignment)


Transfer Information

These transfer guides have been developed to assist HCC students in making the smoothest possible transition to other institutions of higher learning. In transferring, nothing will substitute for sound planning. Students should consult closely with their advisor and the college they are transferring to ensure they enroll in courses that transfer.

A logo created with the word Course in blue on a white background and the word white on a blue background.

Kansas Board of Regents Seamless Transfer

A seamless educational system offers the best resources to provide a high quality education by providing a smooth transition from one level of learning to the next level, including graduate and professional education.  The Kansas Board of Regents has adopted a seamless transfer policy for Kansas public postsecondary educational institutions.  Students transferring to Kansas public universities with a completed AA or AS degree shall be given junior standing.

A logo of the word Reverse in white on a blue background and the word Transfer in blue on a white background.

Reverse Transfer

What is Reverse Transfer?

Reverse Transfer allows you to receive your associate degree from your most recent community college or technical college by combining the credits you earned there and the credits you earn after transferring to a Kansas public university. Within your first year, if you transfer coursework from a community college or technical college to a public university, you will be notified if you are eligible to be considered for Reverse Transfer. You are eligible if you have completed 45 credit hours at one or more colleges and if you consent to the release of your academic records. If you consent (also known as “opting in”) your academic records will be evaluated for degree completion and your degree will be conferred based upon a satisfactory evaluation. Opting in is the first step.

Why do Reverse Transfer?

A college degree is key to economic opportunity. Research shows that on average, people with more education make more money than those with less. Associate degree holders average about $200,000 more over a lifetime than individuals with some college but no degree, while bachelor’s degree holders average over $720,000 more. The associate degree represents an educational achievement, a credential for career advancement, and a building block to additional academic accomplishments. Further, research shows that students who earn the associate degree via reverse transfer are more likely to continue their education and complete a bachelor’s degree.

If you’ve earned it, don’t you deserve it?

Contact the Registrar's Office for more information.


CTE Career Pathway Articulation Agreement List


Articulation Agreements

Disclaimer: Articulation Agreements are between two schools where each institution agrees to articulate the credit as described, as long as the transfer student follows the agreement. For any of the following Articulation Agreements, it is incredibly important that you work closely with your academic advisor to ensure you are adhering to all requirements. 


Transfer Guides, Memorandums of Understanding, and Transfer Course Equivalency Information

Some colleges and universities prefer to provide course-to-course transfer information, transfer guides to advise you, or form Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) between two schools instead of an articulation agreement. These are additional tools that can help you confirm you are taking the correct classes at HCC before you transfer to the schools listed below. If you have any questions, please be sure to meet with your advisor.

If you have questions about the information in these guides or transferring credit in general, please contact Sharon Kibbe, Dean of Instruction at 785-442-6050. 

Note: All courses are subject to final acceptance. While each of these institutions and Highland Community College work to keep this information updated you should always consult with both your HCC advisor and your transfer institution to confirm you are relying on the most updated information.

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