Safety and Security


Highland Community College is committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle for its students and the surrounding community. 

COVID-19 Resources:

Kansas Department of Health & Environment - COVID-19 Resource Center

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

COVID19 Resouce Page - Highland Community College

Highland campus resources:

Counseling Center

Wellness Center

Local hospitals: 

Amberwell Atchison - 28 miles from Highland

Amberwell Hiawatha - 15 miles from Highland

Mosaic Life Care - 30 miles from Highland

Mental Health Resources:

KANZA Mental Health & Guidance Center


Safety and Security is a top priority at HCC. If you are involved with an actual emergency on campus, call 911.

To contact safety and security officers on campus 24/7, call 785-741-2206.

(785) 741-2206

Campus Security

(785) 442-6071

Director of Residence Life (Highland Campus)

(785) 850-1377

Student Resident Assistant on Duty

(785) 985-3711


Doniphan County Sheriff

RAVE Alerts

Get Emergency Alerts and other Campus Information sent as text messages, emails, and voice messages to your cell phone, wireless PDA or pager.

2024 Annual Security/Fire Report 

2024 HCC Annual Security Report & Fire Safety Report (combine)

Daily Crime Log To request a copy of the daily crime log, contact the office of the Vice President for Student Services, or calling 785-442-6020.


Active Shooter Training

Active Shooter Response - RUN. HIDE. FIGHT. 


Vehicle registration is free. Each student motor vehicle being a car, truck, motorcycle, etc. must be registered and display a Highland Community College parking permit sticker on the lower passenger side corner of the rear window. Make sure the sticker is visible at all times. A parking permit sticker provides quick identification of a vehicle owner. You could be contacted more quickly by Campus Safety and Security Officers when your vehicle must be moved for snow removal, vehicle vandalism, or in emergency situations.

Below are the HCC Parking Policy Guidelines you must follow to avoid being cited.

Parking Permit Form


HCC Parking Policy

Students, staff, and faculty are required to register their vehicles and display parking permits when parked in campus parking lots. Students living in campus housing will be assigned parking according to their housing assignment as per the following chart and may not park in any other area on campus.

Housing Lots

  • Ellis Hall-“E” Lot
  • Kansas/Kiltie- “K” Lot
  • Duplexes/North Apts- “D” Lot
  • Piper/Prairie- “P” Lot
  • Scottie Place/Sunflower- “S” Lot
  • Huntington/Highlander/Hearthford/Hollyoak/Hampton/ColonyPoint/ Crestview/Cornerstone/ Claymont/Degginger- “G” Lot
  • Heritage/Rubeti- “H” Lot 

Commuter students will be allowed to park in lots labeled “C.” Additional HCC Lots and Open Parking     

  • Wellness Center –Open to staff, commuters, and community members.

  • CT Building (West)-“C” and Staff Only

  • LSU/Cafeteria- Staff Only

  • Main Street (South of Allen Field House, Irvin Hall, Administration, Library, and Math/Science) -Open Parking

  • Admin Building/Irvin Hall (North)-Reserved for Staff and College Vehicles

  • East of Ellis/Church Parking Lot- “C,” “E,” and Staff Only

With certain exceptions, the parking areas are active 24 hours a day, Monday through Friday, except for special events as designated by Highland Community College. Parking areas are active in all weather conditions. The parking areas are depicted on parking maps distributed at the time permits are received.

Multiple parking permits are available for HCC employees. Failure to display a parking permit will result in a parking violation.

Parking Exceptions:

After 5:00 PM and before 6:00 AM (Monday through Friday) and throughout the weekends, parking is open to everyone in the following parking areas:

  1. Behind the library (north side), normally Staff parking
  2. Wellness Center, normally reserved for Staff, commuters, and community
  3. CT Building West
  4. Students are not allowed to park on the street around Allen field House or Kessinger Field for athletic practices or games/events held in these areas in order to create more parking for visitors and fans.

Handicap Parking:

Designated handicapped spaces are appropriately marked in accordance with state regulations. Only students, staff, and visitors with valid handicap parking permits are allowed to park in handicap spaces, at all times.

Injured Parking:

Any individual who is injured and requires crutches may get permission from the Vice President for Student Services to park close to the cafeteria or classrooms. A special permit is issued to that individual and must be displayed in the front window when parked on campus.

Vehicle Fines:

Responsibility for locating a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator. Individuals who do not comply with campus parking rules and regulations will be issued a parking violation and charged a fine in accordance with the fee structure listed below. All fines levied against violators have been approved by the Highland Community College Board of Trustees. All fines must be paid in the Business Office, Administration Building, during normal work hours, or by mail.

Payment of Fines

All violation fees double if not paid in ten working days. Fines are cumulative for the academic year, fall through summer. Fine Charges are as follows:

  • Parking in loading zone: $10
  • Parking in a Reserved Lot with improper/no permit: $10
  • Parking in a handicapped space w/out sticker: $20
  • Parking in a No Parking Zone: $20
  • On the fourth parking violation within one academic year, an autoboot will be applied and a notification sticker applied to the driver’s window. The cost to remove the boot is $75 and payment of all unpaid tickets. The vehicle will be towed if the boot is not removed in 30 days
  • Tampering with boot: $300

Failure to pay the fine after 10 working days from the date the ticket was issued, the Administration office is notified and a hold is put on the vehicle owner’s grades and registration process.

The registration of a vehicle authorizes parking on the Highland Community College campus for that individual vehicle. It DOES NOT guarantee a parking space. The lack of space is not considered a valid excuse for violating regulations. Highland Community College or its employees will not assume any responsibility for the care and protection of any vehicle or its contents at any time it is operated or parked on the campus. Any person who willfully or through negligence causes, damage to Highland Community College property shall be liable for any damage done to said property.

What's Happening At Highland