Highland Ag Club Celebrates National Ag Day

published March 16, 2015

Highland Ag Club Celebrates National Ag Day

The Highland Community College Ag Club helped promote National Agriculture Day the week of March 16-20 with National Agriculture Day March 18.  Since Highland’s Spring Break is the week the 16-20, activities were held March 12.  The week’s activities included creating posters to display around campus to promote agriculture, which is one of the largest U.S. industries.    On Thursday, March 18, the Highland Aggies passed out free boxes of breakfast cereal as students entered the College cafeteria for lunch.  Each box had a label displaying an interesting ag fact.  A contest to guess the number of corn kernels in a jar was also part of the campus activities, and the winner was Bryce Oldridge of Hiawatha.  Other activities for the week included members doing radio ads promoting agriculture awareness on KNZA.

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