Living on campus can provide students with the opportunities to socialize, meet new people, get involved with a variety of activities, form relationships and learn about other cultures. Students who live on campus are more likely to complete their college education.

Housing Requirements

Highland Community College does not require its students to live on-campus.

Highland Community College requires that all students living in housing to be enrolled in at least 12 hours. This is full-time status.

HCC has a class attendance policy, in which students will be dropped from class for not attending.

Students who drop below 12 hours will be dismissed from student housing.


Apartment Amenities

  • High Speed Internet Access
  • Free Wifi
  • Option to purchase cable - contact Student Life/Housing Office for more information

Apartment Features

  • Kitchen
    • Full size refrigerator
    • Stove/Oven 
    • Table & Chairs 
    • Cabinet & Counter Space 


  • Living room
    • Couch
    • Chair 
    • Coffee table 
    • End table 
    • Storage Closet


  • Bathroom
    • Each apartment has one (1) bathroom in which residents share.


  • Bedrooms
    • XL Twin beds 
    • Dressers 
    • Desks 
    • (2) Closets- One for each Resident






What's Happening At Highland