President Deborah Fox Announces Retirement

published August 25, 2023President Deborah Fox Announces Retirement

President Deborah Fox, the 44th president of Highland Community College, announces she will retire in the 2023-2024 academic year.  


“A retirement date has not been determined, but I have requested the board consider this my last contract,” stated President Fox. Fox went on to say “I have spent 22-years of my 30-year career with Highland. The people of HCC make Highland a great place to work. Being a small part in the academic journey of so many students has provided much joy in my life.”


Fox indicated she will continue in her position until the board identifies the next HCC president and the new president is able to begin their duties.  


“The HCC board will continue to provide leadership and identify a future direction of the College. I am grateful to the HCC board members for the support they have shown me. The board volunteers their time to assure the success of Highland Community College in Doniphan County and the surrounding service area,” said Fox.

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