Highland Employees Give Back for Thanksgiving

published November 15, 2018Highland Employees Give Back for Thanksgiving

On November 14, Highland Community College employees donated enough food to provide 16 families in need from Doniphan County with a Thanksgiving meal. The effort was spearheaded on campus by a group of employees called The Hamper Committee which includes, Theresa Grossman, Laura Young, Margy Heddens, Shelley Smith, Pamela Fulbright, Sam Perkins, and Amy Foley. 

Theresa Grossman, a Speech Instructor at Highland, noted, "this successful community service project could not have happened without the tremendous generosity of the people working on this campus. We were able to do one more hamper than last year!"

The committee coordinated the effort with a larger project by the Doniphan County Council on Aging and Transportation and for delivery of the meals and pies. Pies were generously provided by Hiawatha Wal-Mart and State Farm of Hiawatha.

Pictured is Theresa Grossman loading meals for delivery on November 14.

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