Concurrent Is Now Early College

published August 14, 2023Concurrent Is Now Early College

The concurrent department at Highland Community College is now under a new title of Early College. The name change was a result of legislation due to the Kansas Challenge to Secondary School Students Act. The bill requires school districts to grant high school credit to concurrently or dually enrolled students who satisfactorily complete course work at a postsecondary institution.


Sara Smith, HCC Assistant Dean of Instruction, Early College, said, “Concurrent and dual credit courses give students an expanded curriculum by scheduling HCC courses in conjunction with their regular high school class offerings. Students have the advantage of taking their college classes right at their high school during the day.”


An Early College scholarship is also now available for high school students who are taking HCC classes. To be considered for an Early College scholarship, students must complete the application and qualify for free or reduced lunches at their high school.


“Students who choose the Early College program learn first-hand the demands of going to college. They experience the process of enrolling in college classes and the costs associated with college tuition, fees and textbooks. This experience helps ease the transition from high school to college and provides academic enrichment to students who are ready for the challenge of college coursework. Participation in the program exposes students and their families to valuable lessons that will support their remaining college careers. Students who choose to enroll in college classes while in high school make considerable progress toward their college education if the appropriate time and focus are given to their studies,” Smith added.


HCC classes taught in local high schools have identical content to courses offered on campus, online and at the college's regional locations. Courses are evaluated by the assistant dean of instruction before being implemented at the high school level. Faculty are evaluated and must meet Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) criteria for teaching college classes. Classes are transferable to most colleges in Kansas.

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