Bring A Legacy Event Set at Highland

published August 23, 2016

Bring A Legacy Event Set at Highland

IF you are an alum of Highland Community College who would like to get younger family members interested in HCC, the College is starting a Bring a Legacy special admissions event on Saturday, September 24, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

You and your legacy will start the event at historical Irvin Hall on the Highland campus. Learn a bit of HCC history, the degrees and certificates the College now offers, and a glimpse of HCC student life. From there, you’ll take a Scottie Ambassador-led campus tour and gain insight from a student who lives and studies at the first college in Kansas.

At the end of the tour, join our Family Day crowd complete with fun, games, and free tailgate food. Legacies get a free pass to the Scottie football game vs. Hutchinson, with kickoff at 1:00 p.m. Your legacies will even be recognized at halftime.

RSVP you and your future Scottie at, or contact Chris Neary at or 785-442-6059.

As a Scottie alum, you provide the link to continuing your legacy here at Highland. Through you, others in your family choose to come to Highland. Go Scotties!

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