Alumni & Golden Grads Honored at Homecoming 2019

published October 21, 2019

Alumni Awards, a tradition at homecoming, were announced at a luncheon prior to the game and presented by Director of Alumni Relations Kelly Twombly. '83. Award recipients are pictured below.


Alumni Service Award Winners: Paul, '70 and Linda Crawford
Alumni Service Award Winners: Paul, '70 and Linda Crawford 


Members of the Golden Grad class of 1969, Mark Bradshaw (center back row) and Nancy (Juhl) Huss (bottom row at right) on a campus tour with Dr. Craig Mosher, retired Vice President of Institutional Advancement at HCC. 
Members of the Golden Grad class of 1969, Mark Bradshaw (center back row) and Nancy (Juhl) Huss (bottom row at right)on a campus tour with Dr. Craig Mosher, retired Vice President of Institutional Advancement at HCC. 
Distinguished Alumni Award Winner: Marj (Finuf) Locker, '78 
Distinguished Alumni Award Winner: Marj (Finuf) Locker, '78 
Distinguished Alumni Award Winners: Kenneth, '70 and Mary McCauley, '70 
Distinguished Alumni Award Winners: Kenneth, '70 and Mary McCauley, '70 
Claudia Kale, niece of Bill '47, and Edith Shear with HCC Foundation Executive Director Keith Jaloma. 
Pictured is Claudia Kale, niece of Bill '47, and Edith Shear (inductees in the HCC Heritage Society) with HCC Foundation Executive Director Keith Jaloma. 

In addition to awards the 2019 Alumni Association Scholarship recipients, Elizabeth Allenbrand of Wamego and Shayna Wilson of Highland were announced as well as inductees to the HCC Heritage Society, Bill ‘47 and Edith Shear, Matthew Meyer ‘76, James R. Clulo, Loyal G. Torkelson ‘54. 

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