Your gift makes an impact.

By giving to Highland Community College, you support scholarships, program development, and capital projects.  You make it possible for future and current Scotties to be successful. 

Together with HCC, you can design the gift that best defines your Vision for the Future.

Give online via PayPal below or mail a check to the Office of the HCC Foundation.

Initiatives to Support

Support Scotties by giving to your passion.  Gifts can be made to the Scottie Fund (unrestricted use), or to other College priorities such as Scholarships, Baseball, HCC Alumni Association,  Athletic Complex (Track Complex, Football Complex), HCC Track & Field Team, Diesel Technology, and Faculty Professional Development.  You can also give to any organization, program, department, or project at any one of our five campuses. Visit our Vision for the Future campaign booklet for more information. 

Vision for our Future Celebrating 30 years of capital, programming, and scholarship support of HCC.

Thank you for supporting Highland Community College Alumni and Foundation efforts. 

The HCC Foundation charges a 2% fee on all gifts to cover administrative services such as fund raising software, financial statements, communications, personnel, and professional asset management. 


David Reist Administration Building, Second Floor
606 West Main
Highland, KS  66035
(785) 442-6065
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Central Time

What's Happening At Highland