Highland Community College Technical Center's Practical Nursing Program Achieves 100% NCLEX-PN Pass Rate for Second Consecutive Year
For the second year in a row, Highland Community College Technical Center's Practical Nursing... Read More
Highland Community College has received notice that it has received a grant for its Viticulture and Enology programs. The Kansas Department of Agriculture has awarded grants to organizations across the state to promote education about and consumption of fruits and vegetables. The College will be using the grant to further its education to groups across the state regarding grape growing and wine making. In addition to workshops across the state, the College will now be able to assist grape growers with the analysis of their juice for consumption.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture awarded $258,362.52 to the Kansas Department of Agriculture through the Specialty Crop Block Grant program. The program is designed to improve the Kansas specialty crop industry, which includes various horticulture products, including fruits and vegetables, turf grass, tree nuts, dried fruits, nursery crops and flowers.
The Kansas Department of Agriculture then passed the funds along to other groups, including the College. “These grants will help specialty crop producers improve their production practices, expand their operations and connect with new markets and new customers,” said Kansas Secretary of Agriculture Dale Rodman. “Local producers and specialty crops are an important component of agriculture in Kansas.” Highland viticulture instructor Dominic Martin and program director Scott Kohl are part of helping the producers improve their practices and connect with new markets.
For the second year in a row, Highland Community College Technical Center's Practical Nursing... Read More
Alexis O’Farrell (Appleton City, Missouri) placed eighth at the NJCAA Division I national... Read More