Highland Hosting Annual All-Star Games

published March 21, 2012

Highland Hosting Annual All-Star Games

On Sunday, April 1, over 75 high school student athletes, their families, and friends will flood the campus in Highland for the Highland Community College All-Star Games.  Outstanding high school athletes were nominated by area coaches and selected by members of the HCC coaching staffs.  Selections have been finalized and student athletes are currently being contacted.  Final rosters will be posted and available soon.

The 10th annual volleyball match starts things off at 2:00 pm, with the 26th annual basketball games to follow.  The women will tip off at 4:00 pm, and the men are scheduled to start at 6:00 pm.  Games will be played at the home of the Scotties, Ben Allen Field House. 

For more information or questions, please contact Coach Diana Gaddis for volleyball at 785-442-6048 or dgaddis@highlandcc.edu; for women’s basketball, contact Coach B. J. Smith at 442-6048 or bjsmith@highlandcc.edu; and for men’s basketball, contact Coach Jerre Cole at 442-6041 or jcole@highlandcc.edu.

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