HCC’s Definition of Assessment:

Assessment is the ongoing, systematic collection and analysis of data that is used to document the state of student learning relative to faculty-defined learning outcomes and expected institutional achievements and which informs decisions that lead to the improvement of teaching, learning, and student success.


Shared Values:

We identify the following shared values with regards to the importance of assessment. We believe that assessment:

  • Is everyone’s responsibility and provides the opportunity to self-assess and make improvements.
  • Guides the discovery of how well students are learning and how learning might be further enhanced as an integral part of the educational process.
  • Provides accountability to students, parents, taxpayers, and business and industry to attain and maintain high quality standards.
  • Informs short and long-term decisions to improve instruction and aligns with HCC’s strategic plan and budget.
  • Takes place at the course/competency, program, and institutional level and encourages the consideration of meaningful, measurable data that can fit everyone regardless of location, modality, general education, or career and technical.
  • Includes the combination of external benchmarking with similar institutions, internal comparison of progress toward our targets, and compliance with requirements from outside entities.


Shared Performance Expectations with examples to assist with curriculum mapping (Institutional-level CLOs)


General Education Division Learning Goals


Technical Program Learning Goals


Course-level Learning Goals (called Course Competencies at HCC and found on each common syllabus)


Assessment Archive

What's Happening At Highland