Speech Courses

SP 101 Oral Communications (3)

The purpose of this course is to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for meaning-oriented oral communications. The course also covers becoming a more effective critical listener. Emphasis will be placed on interpersonal and public communication.

SP 103 Oral Interpretation (3)

The purpose of this course is to study and practice the techniques of effective oral reading and performance. The focus will be on the careful reading, analysis, discussion, rehearsal, and performance of selections taken from  various forms of literature, including poetry, essay, novel, short story, and drama.

SyllabusLocations and Class Schedule

SP 105 Interpersonal Communication (3)

This course is designed to improve student effectiveness in small-group and one-to-one communication.

SP 106 Public Speaking (3)

The purpose of this course is to increase student understanding of the principles and applications of public speaking through analysis and practice in communication theory, topic selection, audience analysis, research, use of support materials, content organization, presentation, and evaluation.

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