Education Courses

ED 101 Pre-Professional Lab I (1)

Prerequisite: Clean criminal background screening completed within past 12 months

This course is designed to provide an introductory hands-on experience for students majoring in education. The course will consist of direct experience observing a professional educator in the classroom as well as tutoring and participation in classroom activities.

ED 102 Pre-Professional Lab II (1)

Prerequisites: ED 101 and a clean criminal background screening within past 12 months

This course is a continuation of ED 101 and is designed to provide additional hands-on experience for students majoring in education. The course will consist of direct experience observing a professional educator in the classroom as well as tutoring and participation in classroom activities.

ED 105 Children's Literature (3)

This course is designed to introduce students to the field of children's literature. The course will cover the theories, history, and types of children's literature. Emphasis will be on giving students the ability to evaluate and select appropriate literature for various ages of children and share it in a creative, entertaining manner. The course is recommended for elementary education and library science majors, and, at some institutions, is a requirement for those majors. Course material will be broad enough to accommodate anyone with an interest in the field of children's literature.

SyllabusLocations and Class Schedule

ED 110 Introduction to Elementary and Secondary Education (3)

This course will cover the historical and sociological development of elementary and secondary American education, the role of public schools in American society, and the diverse nature of the American student population.  The course will also look at professional opportunities in the field of elementary and secondary education.

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